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What did you do to your Avalanche today?


SM 2011
SM 2010
Full Member
Jun 22, 2010
Riverdale, IL
Hey Avalanche fans, I just picked up (not literally  :D ) an 07 AV. Used to have a Yukon years ago and had to get back to GM truck experience.
Thought I would try to see who's doing what to their AV daily. If this is already a post, I missed it and will delete this if necessary. Otherwise . . . . .  What did you do to your AV today?
I paid my parking rent
Nothing it sat under the carport  :(
Mikes-07 said:
Which flowmaster did you go with?

I was unable to do it today. But, the one I want on there is the Super 44. If you go to Flowmasters website you can listen to the different tones of their mufflers.


Although I don't have a big block in my truck like the test car, it still sounded good.
I moved it to block end of my driveway to keep irritating neighbors from using thier front yard as a circle drive.
They should know better than to use my driveway as a circle.

They really know better than to mess with my Avalanche and why it's parked there.
Harmonie Park, near New Harmonie, IN.  My friend Sarah that was next to us on Mom's day lives down there and asked us to come down.

Next weekend we're at Patoka Lake, taking the boat as well...

The weekend after that we're going to a place called Sycamore Springs - its a free place...donations accepted.  No alcohol permitted, though I know people sneak it anyway.  Def. getting the use of the camper! :D