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Full Member
Aug 13, 2002
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Guy's first off I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes and that I have placed this here. If I did I apologize.

I have just secured a groupe purchase with George at RPM for the PREDITOR PROGRAMMER, in the amount of "$" and they can be shipped out tonight if need be.

E-Mail George and tell him your with the AV. club and give him the code # GP 1182
and he will advise you of the price. You will be suprised!

Min. of 10 units required, a hell of a deal, in my eyes anyway.
The code # GP 1182 is required when placeing the order.

His e-mail is ?george@rpmoutlet.com

Once again I do apologize, if this does not belong here and if I stepped on someones toes.



corrected typos in title
Thanks for the info, as I?m not far from RPM I?m looking into this. The features on the Predator are impressive but my only concern (other than getting it to work on my AV) is that this product appears to have been just released. The tread on the Corvette site reads that they?re just receiving the first units.
Johnny_D, From what I have read and heard about this product it's the only way to go. I first heard of the unit about 1 year or so ago... As I mentioned in my "HELP" request for the Hypertech unit I'm not confortable with it as it fried my AV. So I am returning that unit today and I "CAN'T" wait to get the Predator in my hands.

When you go see George, don't forget the "gp1182" number for the groupe buy ( if you decide to go with it) and let us know what your thoughts are...

My understanding is the your TEXAS cops are snatching these units up for there cars.

P.S. I would of thought I would of had more replies to this... Maybe I did step on someones toes...


Gene said:
Guy's first off I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes and that I have placed this here. If I did I apologize.

I have just secured a groupe purchase with George at RPM for the PREDITOR PROGRAMMER, in the amount of "$" and they can be shipped out tonight if need be.

E-Mail George and tell him your with the AV. club and give him the code # GP 1182
and he will advise you of the price. You will be suprised!

Min. of 10 units required, a hell of a deal, in my eyes anyway.
The code # GP 1182 is required when placeing the order.

His e-mail is ?george@rpmoutlet.com

Once again I do apologize, if this does not belong here and if I stepped on someones toes.



corrected typos in title

Can you e-mail me how much it is? It appears that the price doesn;t show in the message?

I just need to sell my HPIII now to help fund the new one :)
I don't think it is a matter of bruised toes. I think many folks have already made their purchases, and those that haven't may be a bit gun shy after the problems reported in the past. A few success stories here could change that dramatically.
Thought you might want this posting of my experience with the Predator. ?Good price on RPM guess I should of waited! ?NOT I'm the guinee pig. ?
:cool:I just programed my Avalanche with the new PREDATOR ?made by Diablo Sport. ?It went very smooth and not a single glitch. ?This is truley an nice unit. ?Ive had both the Hypertech and Superchip and the Predator is going to destory both combined! ?Of course that is from a laymans mind. ?After I programed the configuration that Diablo set on their unit I went back and Modified my own parameter! ??? ?You are able to change the Axle Ratio, Cooling Fan, Power enrichment, Spark, Normal Shift, Performance Shift, Shift Point (MPH), Shift Points (RPM), Shift pressure, Rev limit, Factory wheel Size, Actual Wheel size. ?I concentrated on the Rev Limit and Shift Point(MPH). ?I set First ?gear to shift at 50 mph and Second gear to shift at 90 mph. ?This is a sweet unit alot more to do with the unit. ?It also has a built in Tech II Diagnostic feature, which I have not used. ?I bought mine at RPM Outlet in Texas. ?I can honestly say that this was the best investment I have made yet and I am very pleased!! :B:He is a good man (George) sent the unit even before he received payment. ?He has a problem with his FED EX driver! ?I just wanted to share this just in case you all were wondering how the guinee pig was doing! (y)
Here is his web site just in case some one is interested!
Here is Predator's Main web site.
Here is a web site by PDQ Marketing on the Predator
Here is a discussion by a Corvette club on this unit. ?It also contains a manual on the Predator. ?You may have to scroll down to find a link that works!

Perpendicular, Your e-mail address is hidden.
So I'll give you mine frankssung@yahoo.ca

Or you can contact George and let him know your with the AV club and mention the groupe buy # GP1182

I did have it listed briefly but then thought about it, and I thought in the best interest for us and for George I'd better leave it off, and those who are interested could contact me or George.

Just in case your wondering why George has not replied to any of your e-mails, He has advised that his system went down this morning and hopes to be back up by end off day.

Gene said:
Just in case your wondering why George has not replied to any of your e-mails, He has advised that his system went down this morning and hopes to be back up by end off day.


We swapped 2 e-mails today so it must be up. ?I asked George if I could bring my AV over to their place (they're in Get-Down Pasadena about 30 min from me) and see we could get it to hook up with my PCM (too long of a story to explain). Unfortunately he said no, they only sell over the net and don't have store front. ?

I'm still considering it but I'm disappointed we couldn't do a face to face.
Just to advise you that I just got off the phone with George to see how things were going and he advised me that he got a call this morning from DIABLO'S head office telling him that he is not to sell these units at the price he gave us.

As I thought would happen, other dealers put in a complaint to Diablo...

George advised me that he told Diablo, that he offered a groupe buy to us and would stand behind that agreement !! now I know as well as you do if the big boy "Diablo" turned around and said "do not sell these units for that price OR WE WILL PULL THE DISTRIBUTION RIGHTS FROM YOU" Then I think George would have no choice but to back out, but it does show he does stand behind his word.

I thought I would share that with you.

I should have it here next week sometime

:D ;D

I don't think it is a matter of bruised toes. I think many folks have already made their purchases, and those that haven't may be a bit gun shy after the problems reported in the past. A few success stories here could change that dramatically.

I second that one Steel... I would have to see MANY happy customers of the Diablo unit to even consider a purchase ... I would rather not let my $500 (wholesale) PCM be the guinee pig ... I'll stick with my Hypertech ... I have had many over the years, and many friends have too, and never one horror story ... I guess if I saw a big advantage of the Diablo over the Hypertech, I would open my eyes further ... I may tick someone off here, but I think the fact that they advertise, "upgradeable through internet download/revisions." is possibly a pitch ... I bought a BEL 980 Radar Receiver, and they advertised the same thing... FLASH upgradeable through internet revisions ... It's been over 2 1/2 yrs., and they don't have the idea in the forefront ... I'm not trying to be a fuddy duddy, but I really trust a company that has been doing this thing since 1984, and if you are as big as they are, and been around as long, you have to assume they have GM ties at least on the inside ... Why do you think Hypertech releases units before anyone else? ... Just speculating ... Diablo sounds great, as did Superchips ... I'm taking a "wait and see stance......"

11H, point taken and received with open arms.
to each is own, in my experience Hypertech has always been a second choice in my books, and now that it fried my truck it's not a choice period (even with there outstanding C.S. satisfaction policy)

Then you have JET Pruducts, NEVER EVER have I had any of there products fail (even called them up once and said that a part was missing, they sent it to me fed-x next day), I called them back and said sorry my mistake the piece was already attached to the unit and I would send it back to them (they told me no problem keep it and enjoy)

I have know about Diablo for some time now, I cam across a while back when I was looking for item for my 348, and my finding were that there products work and work well.

Enough of my 2?

Here are some replys from the Diablo which were used in the Corvette posts.;
Doug, As Bubba stated I have the software, cable, and 12VDC adapter. As far as how it all works I really don't have an answer as the final product may be different and there are no updates available for me to test at this time. Just so you all know currently what I have is, a CD with the software program, the serial port connector (which plugs into the bottom of your PREDATOR) and the 12VDC (which plugs into the top of your PREDATOR) When an update becomes available for your application you would simply plug and play. ?Everything will be loaded from the internet right into the PREDATOR. You would then go upload it into your car. ?Nice and simple..........
WELL, I then gave the car a little "goose" and WTF!!! I could feel the back tires break loose (first time that's happened from a dead start with my 2.73's) and my co-worker yells out "you're hazing the tires"!! WOW, I knew it spun a little, but NEVER thought the tires would start SMOKING!

Now, I was starting to get excited about the Predator. I then went for a little drive and found the tranny shifted about the same as my first road test, but it felt a little stronger off the line.

I returned to the parking lot, then modified the progam as per BfB's directions he posted earlier.... ME LIKEY A LOT!!!! I had FAR BETTER throttle response, and the tranny was now up & down shifting with authority. This is how an A4 should be!!! It's almost like the tranny is anticipating my throttle inputs. AWESOME!

I'll be making a few more changes to the tune possibly tomorrow or the next day (weather permitting). I have to say I'm a VERY SATISFIED customer!! I really enjoy the difference in my car, unfortunately it makes me wanna go out and buy even more mods.!! Gee, thanks Diablosport!!!

:B: (y)
>:DSay Gluggo--shift to 2nd at 50 mph and into thrid at 90 mph???on paper that should destroy the engine with rpm's???

What rear-end ratio?

the Diablo product sounds great!

I would ove to get this tool for my AV - but I have dropped too much intot he AV in the last 7 days and must wait to get my float back up - plus X Mas is coming so I need float :)

Thanks for putting together this group buy - I can't wait to get one.

Please post details about the "frying" Hypertech ... I would like to know what happened ... Sorry to hear about the bad luck ... I have seen many advertisements about the Diablo ... I will watch it closely ... It somewhat intrigues me so far ...

It will have to be a test of time.....before I invest....not to mention the beauty of modding is that there is something else that needs to be done, so you can just shift gears and keep moving.... :B:
I received the Predator programmer yesterday and attempted to chip the unchipable AV. ?

First thing I did was to use the OBD-II to check the PCM for codes. ?That went fine as it polled the PCM and said none were stored. ?Thing were looking good as it was communicating back and worth. ?:)

Next was to load the stock program, it took just over 3 minutes without any problem. ?Then the came part where the Predator builds the program and then writes it to the PCM. ?Bang as soon as it started to write came up with an error (actually said unknown error) then displayed ?Interpreter stopped, writing error install failed?. ? ? ?Truck started fine, this was like the SuperChips failed install. ? :cry:

I?m lost as to why none of these programmers (now have tried all 3) will install in my AV but I now sure it?s not the programmers but is some thing with the truck. ?I used the Predators diagnostics (one of many nice features on this unit) and the Real Time Data feature that is another cool tool that reads engine load, temp, speed and RPMs. ? I could even see the settings it pulled of the stock PCM like the gear ratio and tire size.

It?s like my PCM has a write protect switch on it. ? Trying to find something at fault I pulled the DCL connector and traced the wire back and out the cab and even pulled the PCM box out ( I was temped to open it but had tamper paint on it) and checked the connector hoping to find a broken wire or lose connector but didn?t. ? ?

I'm hoping this problem could be as simple as a mispinned DCL connector and was wondering if someone could check the pins on their connector.

My connector pin outs are: (DCL pins read 1-8 left to right across the top and 9-16 on the bottom.
Top pins
Pin 2 (purple)
Pins 4 & 5 (black) ?one is grd
14 (green)
16 (orange) ?this is the 12 voltage source
the rest are empty

Any other ideas are welcomed. ?I'm sending Diablo and e-mail for assistance.

The Predator looks like I nice unit, don?t let my problem discourage anyone from getting one.
thanks for sharing your story....it's weird how your Av isn't accepting the programmers...do you think from the time when the first program went down it may have left an impression on the pcm....thus protecting itself in some way.... :B:
cpuchniak said:
>:DSay Gluggo--shift to 2nd at 50 mph and into thrid at 90 mph???on paper that should destroy the engine with rpm's???

What rear-end ratio?

the Diablo product sounds great!
Keep in mind that even if it sound high this unit recognizes both RPM and MPH. Those settings only reflect the MPH Stettings. It is designed to shift to which ever comes first. Third gear stock settings was set at 255 MPH. So it does not really matter only when you are accelerating and the MPH kick in before the RPM then you are not getting the full feel for the stock settings. My laymans point of view. Keep in mind I am no expert on this just the Guinee Pig. :D
NJAV said:
thanks for sharing your story....it's weird how your Av isn't accepting the programmers...do you think from the time when the first program went down it may have left an impression on the pcm....thus protecting itself in some way.... :B:

No, we flash ROMs on the servers, printers and copiers we service all the time. ?The first thing that happens when you flash a ROM is it gets erased when written. ?My PCM should be called the "untouchable" as it never does erase, hence the write protect thought or mispinned cable ?theory.

George gave me a number to call on Monday at Diablo, will see what they say.

I revert to my previous post when you had this question/issue with the HPP3 ... Keep that darn PCM you have now for dealer/warranty/stock needs ... Get a brand new PCM for Z-Industries to flash ...

OR call Mr. Zimmer there, and I'm sure you would probably guided in the right direction ... He is one of the only if not the only one with GM codes for many of the newer applications ... I think he's probably the best in the business for Newer GM PCM work ... As I said before I have used his services with excellent results... Plus he backs up his work... I don't know where you're at on this issue, but I'd like to see you be done with it... It's taken too much of your time... :)


? ?I was interested in this for the group buy price which was posted on this site but was removed. ?E-mailed george and was told to call for pricing. ?Then I went to the rpm outlet site and see 7 day sale for $425 . ?I remember the price posted being lower than this. ?I tried to call rpm but keep getting busy signal.

Hey,jodiesel ? did you give them the group buy # 1182 ??

If so and you got the same advertised price from the website then maybe George changed his mind........Hmmm.....