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New AV Order Status Anyone?


Charter Member
Full Member
Jan 17, 2002
Hey gang-

I have an oder number for my new WBH avalanche that I ordered last Friday. Does anyone know a way to monitor the production status?



I am considering purchasing a Avalanche WBH. I have a few questions color, options, and pricing.


Hey Gene-

Go agead and post your questions here if you want..I'll be glad to answer them. If you prefer...send me email. jcody@netapp.com


What type options did you get on your vehicle? List price for options?


I got every option except the rear seat DVD system. You can't get that with the sunroof- and that was more important to me. The list MSRP prices can be found lots of places. I was working off of the kellybluebook.com website under the new car pricing. Happy shopping!


Have you heard anything yet? I talked to my dealer again this week, and he swears the WBH's will be in the last week of December.

Let me know if you hear anything.

Hey KB-

Nope..nothing so far. I have an order number, but I don't know of a good way to check the order status. I tried calling the "800" cust sat number, but they are pretty clueless. I am going to the Wash DC auto show on the 26th. I hear they are going to have the WBH there. Can't wait to finally see it!


Please take plenty of pics at the auto show, it may be the only way we can see the new Av for awhile.
JasonC said:
Hey gang-

I have an oder number for my new WBH avalanche that I ordered last Friday. ?Does anyone know a way to monitor the production status?

Hey Jason, if you do find a method of tracking the progress of your order please post it somewhere. We have had a few requests of a similiar nature over time and the common answer seems to be "a mate at GM", it would be nice to know if there was another way for us non-mate havers. :cool:
Did any one ever discover a way to do this? ?Member outlw has an '03 on the way and wants to know where it is! ? ??? ? I doubt if there is if he ^ (Skidd) doesn't know!
I'd really like to know.. I am getting no sleep thinking about it.. I love the looks of this truck..
As far as I know, you have to know someone in one of the assembly plants that has access to the scheduling screen. And there are not many in the plants...
and don't knag them, they don't like it.....