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A/C Compressor never shuts off?

Quick 8

New Member
Aug 29, 2013
  I have a 2002 z71 1500.  I just replaced the A/C compressor, evacuated it, charged it, etc.  Now it blows cold, an everything seems fine except the compressor never cycles off.  Does anyone know if this is normal?  Is this one of those variable displacement compressors that run all the time?  Any help is greatly appreciated.
Quick 8,

Are you turning on "Max AC" setting? If so that's why it doesn't turn off.  That's just part of the setting.  If you are not using that setting then you may have a restriction or a faulty AC compressor clutch or it may not be completely full.  Also, when you replaced the A/C compressor did you replace the orifice tube and receiver drier?? Those are necessary to replace when you replace the compressor.  I hope this helps.