JUst picked up my 2012 LT on Saturday, and I know buying it the center console didnt have an organizer. Its massive in there, and I can see it turning into a womans purse before long with just stuff put in and having to dig all the time for stuff.
Saw some actual Chev ones on their accdesories site but nothing that screamed buy me. One thats holds cds, more or less useless to me since I have all my stuff on Ipod.
Are there anye good 2 level systems out there where you can remove the top level to get to the botom level, etc. Would need access to the USB port in there for sure.
Coin holder would be nice to since I haul water every 2 weeks, and always have to dig for change at home
Thanks. This is my first official post
Saw some actual Chev ones on their accdesories site but nothing that screamed buy me. One thats holds cds, more or less useless to me since I have all my stuff on Ipod.
Are there anye good 2 level systems out there where you can remove the top level to get to the botom level, etc. Would need access to the USB port in there for sure.
Coin holder would be nice to since I haul water every 2 weeks, and always have to dig for change at home
Thanks. This is my first official post